Welcome to Primary 3! Following a brilliant first term, we have lots of exciting learning opportunities ahead of us this term.
Our new topic is "Move it!" We will be learning all about forces, transport, inventions, how people and animals move and important journeys people make. We will be engaging in lots of exciting activities involving all things movement and a super science experiment in which we will build a boat that floats and moves.
In literacy, we will be reading lots of exciting fiction and non-fiction books related to our topic "Move it!" We will continue to develop our ability to read and understand texts through focusing on reciprocal reading strategies. We will also be engaging in lots of fun and engaging practical activities which will develop our spelling, grammar and punctuation knowledge. We will explore various genres of writing this term and will complete special pieces of writing for Grandparents Day', St. Brigid's Day and St. Patrick's Day.
This term in numeracy, we will be consolidating our knowledge of place value, working with numbers to 100. We will also be learning to tell the time in both digital and analogue formats to include o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times. We will also be continuing to develop our recall of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We continue to focus on mental maths within every lesson and ensure we are aware of various strategies we can use to solve problems.